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Caverna School District

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Susan Mathews
Director of Special Education

Caverna Preschool Program

*Caverna Preschool Program classrooms actively engage children so they will gain skills and knowledge they need to enter primary school ready to achieve and excel at learning.  Preschool classrooms focus on the cognitive, physical, social and emotional development of each child. 

*Each child also receives two meals during the classroom program.

*All teachers hold an Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (IECE) certificate.  The IECE teachers are highly skilled instructors who are responsible to the learning needs of young children, including children with disabilities.

*The Kentucky Early Childhood Standards are designed to reflect the range of development achievements for young children, from birth through four years of age.

How can my 4 year old child qualify for preschool?

* Preschool screening sign-ups will be held every Spring at Caverna Elementary.  You will meet the preschool staff, receive information and schedule your screening time. We will discuss whether your child is income eligible or talk about areas of concern you may have with your child’s development.

*If your child will be 4 by August 1st, to be income eligible for preschool you will have to complete income qualifying forms to determine if you are eligible.

*All 4 year old income eligible children receive a developmental screener.  If the screener indicates a red flag, then your child will join an intervention play group.  (see interventions and evaluation section)

*Turn in necessary paperwork: information packet, physical, immunization, eye exam, birth certificate and social security card (optional).

How can my 3 year old child qualify for preschool?

*Preschool screening sign-ups will be held every Spring at Caverna Elementary.  You will meet the preschool staff, receive information and schedule your screening time. We will discuss any concerns in an area of development, they may qualify for preschool.  For example if you have concerns with your child’s behavior, thinking skills, memory skills, feeding or toileting issues, speech sounds, or motor issues.

*Your child must be 3 years old by August 1st!

*If you have concerns in one of these areas of development we will administer a developmental screener on a scheduled date.  If the screener indicates a red flag, then your child will join an intervention play group.  (see interventions and evaluation section)

*Turn in necessary paperwork: information packet, physical, immunization, eye exam, birth certificate and social security card (optional).


Contact Information:

Susan Mathews-270-773-2530

April Bowersox-270-773-3671

 “A place where dreams begin”